Comparative enzymology of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 from six species


Arampatzis Spyridon,Kadereit Bert,Schuster Daniela,Balazs Zoltan,Schweizer Roberto A S,Frey Felix J,Langer Thierry,Odermatt Alex


11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1), catalyzing the intracellular activation of cortisone to cortisol, is currently considered a promising target to treat patients with metabolic syndrome; hence, there is considerable interest in the development of selective inhibitors. For preclinical tests of such inhibitors, the characteristics of 11β-HSD1 from the commonly used species have to be known. Therefore, we determined differences in substrate affinity and inhibitor effects for 11β-HSD1 from six species. The differences in catalytic activities with cortisone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone were rather modest. Human, hamster and guinea-pig 11β-HSD1 displayed the highest catalytic efficiency in the oxoreduction of cortisone, while mouse and rat showed intermediate and dog the lowest activity. Murine 11β-HSD1 most efficiently reduced 11-dehydrocorticosterone, while the enzyme from dog showed lower activity than those from the other species. 7-Ketocholesterol (7KC) was stereospecifically converted to 7β-hydroxycholesterol by recombinant 11β-HSD1 from all species analyzed except hamster, which showed a slight preference for the formation of 7α-hydroxycholesterol. Importantly, guinea-pig and canine 11β-HSD1 displayed very low 7-oxoreductase activities. Furthermore, we demonstrate significant species-specific variability in the potency of various 11β-HSD1 inhibitors, including endogenous compounds, natural chemicals and pharmaceutical compounds. The results suggest significant differences in the three-dimensional organization of the hydrophobic substrate-binding pocket of 11β-HSD1, and they emphasize that species-specific variability must be considered in the interpretation of results obtained from different animal experiments. The assessment of such differences, by cell-based test systems, may help to choose the appropriate animal for safety and efficacy studies of novel potential drug candidates.




Endocrinology,Molecular Biology







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