A model who looks like me: Communicating and consuming representations of disability


Pettinicchio DavidORCID


Diversity in the fashion industry, it seems, is on the rise, with recent efforts poised to address the exclusion of people with disabilities. Based on a content analysis of editorials, advertising campaigns, and 213 online consumer comments between 2014 and 2019, we examine how diversity is showcased: speci!cally, whether images of disability serve to challenge or reinforce negative stereotypes. We !nd that market logics constrain the use of models with disabilities and shape their posturing in advertisements and fashion images. While consumers respond favorably to these images, demanding disability be more regularly and prominently featured, they are often responding to images that are sanitized and na ̈ıvely conceived. Nonetheless, we show how consumer feedback interacts with the production process, which in turn can challenge market logics, providing opportunities for increased representation. We shed light on how cultural representations re"ect, shape, and challenge broader sociocultural norms and values.


Center for Open Science

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