Productivity of cows depending on environmental conditions, genotype and linear affiliation


Voitenko S. L.ORCID


The results of research on the current state and productivity of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy cattle in the natural and climatic zones of the Forest-Steppe, Polissya and Steppe of Ukraine, belonging of cattle to the relevant genealogical formations and productivity of cows of the same lines, but in different influence of conditional blood of Holstein breed on manifestation of milk productivity of cows of different zones of their operation. Studies of the condition and productivity were conducted on breeding animals in 141 controlled herds of three natural and climatic zones, taking into account the geographical division of the territory of Ukraine. To study the milk productivity of cows, depending on their heredity by Holstein animal breed was divided into 6 genotypic groups for each natural and climatic zone. Significant differentiation of cattle of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed by area, purebredness, economic and useful features depending on environmental conditions has been clarified. The main livestock of the breed is concentrated in the Forest-Steppe zone, the highest milk yield is characterized by cows in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe zone. Among the diversity of cattle of different linear affiliation and range common to all natural and climatic zones are the lines of Bell 1667366, Valiant 1650414, J. Besna 5694028588, Elevation 1491007, Marshall 2290977, Starbuck 352790 and Chief Chifane obtaining the same milk productivity in different conditions of their maintenance. There is no clear increase or decrease in milk productivity of cows depending on the value of conditional blood of Holstein breed in their genotype with certain differences in each natural and climatic zone of animal exploitation. The amount of milk for I-III lactation by 2.7; 2.4 and 2.2%, and the amount of milk fat by 1.6; 1.6 and 1.9%, respectively, depended on the heredity of the Holstein breed. The influence of the factor of natural and climatic zone of keeping cows on milking of the first – third lactation was 0.01 – 0.05 %, and the amount of milk fat 0.3 - 0.5%.


SE Institute of Grain Crops of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

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