Zulham Armen,Nasution Zahri
Lobster merupakan salah satu komoditas penopang ekonomi rumah tangga perikanan di Simeulue. Disparitas harga Lobster antara pusat produksi (Simeulue) dan pasar tujuan (Jakarta) mendorong dinamika eksploitasi populasi Lobster di Simeulue. Manfaat ekonomi dari dinamika eksploitasi Lobster yang diperoleh nelayan dan pedagang pengumpul di Simeulue masing-masing masing-masing sekitar 19% dari total nilai transaksi Rp. 914,1 Juta setiap bulan. Informasi utama bisnis Lobster diperoleh dari hasil Survey pada bulan April 2016. Survey dilakukan pada 15 pedagang pengumpul di Teupah Selatan dan 3 Pedagang Besar di Sinabang dan Teluk Dalam. Informasi tambahan diperoleh dari diskusi dengan para pemangku kepentingan sampai Bulan Oktober 2016. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: penangkapan Lobster ukuran karapas < 8 Cm (< 2 Ons) dan bertelur masih tetap ditemukan. Suplai Lobster asal Simeulue ke pasar tujuan sekitar 2,4 Ton per Bulan dan kemampuan suplai itu terus menurun dari Januari 2016 sampai Juli 2016. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan inovasi untuk meningkatkan pasokan Lobster tersebut. Untuk mendapatkan Lobster Pedagang Besar (antar pulau) di Simeulue membangun Jaringan Sosial, agar bisnis Lobster tetap berlanjut. Namun, keberlanjutan bisnis Lobster, tergatung pada kebijakan implementasi inovasi model sosial entrepreneur dalam industri Lobster. Kebijakan tersebut pada dasarnya untuk: mempercepat penggunaan teknologi baru (renovasi teknologi) budidaya Lobster, menciptakan iklim usaha tentang pentingnya pemulihan stok Lobster melalui asistensi bisnis. Model Sosial Enterpreneur akan membantu mengembangkan kluster budidaya Lobster di perairan Teluk Sibigo dan Teluk Dalam serta pada sebagian perairan di Teupah Selatan.Abstract: Lobster Business In Simeulue: Trade Performed And Cultivation Innovation Policy Lobster is one of the commodities that support fisheries household economy in Simeulue. The disparity of lobster prices between Simeulue and Jakarta trigger the dynamics exploitation of lobster population in Simeulue. Economical benefit from the exploitation of Lobster potency obtained by fishermen and collecting traders in Simelue are around 19% each from monthly transaction of Rp 914,1 million, respectively. Main information of this report was obtained from survey on April 2016. Survey was onducted on 15 collecting traders in South Teupah Distric and three inter island traders in Sinabang and Teluk Dalam. Additional information was obtained from discussion with stakeholders until October 2016. This research showed that: the fishing of lobster with carapace size <8 cm and hatching eggs were still found. The supply of Simeulue lobster to target market was around 2,4 tons per month and the supply ability kept decreasing since January 2016 to July 2016. An innovation to increase the production level of lobster is needed. To get the lobster, the inter island traders build social network in order to make his business continue. However, the continuation of lobster business depends on the implementation policy of social entrepreneur innovation model in lobster industry. The policy was basically made for: accelerating new technology use (technology renovation) of lobster cultivation, creating a business climate about the importance of lobster stock recovery through business assistance. The social entrepreneur model will help to develop lobster cultivation cluster in Sibigo Bay and Teluk Dalam Bay as well as some coastal waters area in South Teupah Distric.
Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Development
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