Supriyadi Indarto Happy,Cappenberg Hendrik Alexander,Souhuka Jemmy,Makatipu Petrus Christianus,Hafizt Muhammad
Suaka Alam Perairan (SAP) Raja Ampat memiliki ekosistem karang dengan nilai keanekaragaman spesies dan biota asosiasinya seperti ikan coralivora, herbivora, karnivora dan megabentos yang relatif tinggi. Keterkaitan ekosistem karang dengan ekosistem lainnya (lamun dan mangrove) masih terjaga dengan baik dalam perairan yang dilindungi. Namun keberadaan tiga ekosistem di Raja Ampat juga rentan terhadap perubahan lingkungan alam dan tekanan manusia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan data dan informasi tentang kondisi awal karang, lamun dan mangrove yang dapat dijadikan referensi penilaian untuk ketiga ekosistem tersebut. Metode pengamatan kondisi karang, padang lamun dan mangrove menggunakan pedoman standar COREMAP-CTI 2014. Berdasarkan analisis citra landsat dapat dihitung luas habitat perairan dangkal (karang, pasir, padang lamun dan mangrove) adalah 3.521 ha. Ditemukan 108 spesies keanekaragaman karang dan persentase karang hidup (32,24%), sehingga termasuk kategori “sedang”. Hanya enam spesies lamun ditemukan dan kondisinya ‘sehat’ atau ‘baik’. Ditemukan 15 spesies mangrove, dua spesies diantaranya dominan yaitu Rhizophora apiculata dan Bruguiera gymnorhiza dengan kategori kondisi “baik”. Ekosistem karang, lamun dan mangrove merupakan ekosistem yang saling mendukung dalam peran dan fungsinya terhadap keberadaan sumber daya perikanan. Oleh karena itu, pemantauan secara berkala potensi ketiga ekosistem adalah penting dalam upaya menjaga keberlanjutan terhadap ketersediaan sumber daya perikanan.Natural Sanctuary of Waters (NSW) Raja Ampat with coral ecosystem and abundance of associated biota such as coralivora fish, herbivores, carnivores and megabenthos are relatively high. Linkage coral ecosystem to another ecosystem (seagrass and mangroves) is still good in preserve waters. However the existence of three ecosystems in Raja Ampat is also vulnerable to the environmental changes and human activity. The goal of this study is to provide data and preliminary information of the coral condition, seagrass and mangroves and should be used to reference assessment of those ecosystems. Method of ground ckeck on the condition of the coral, seagrass and mangrove was done by using standard COREMAP-CTI 2014. Based on the analysis of Landsat imagery it can be calculated the area of coastal waters (coral reef, sand, seagrass beds and mangroves) of about 3,521 ha. It was found the diversity of coral of 108 species and the percentage of live coral about 32.24% likely belong to the category of “moderate”. Only six species of seagrass was found and the condition of segrass was ‘healthy’ or ‘good’. Fifteen species of mangrove were found, two of them were dominant species such as: Rhizophora apiculata and Bruguiera gymnorhiza, the condition was categoried fairly “good”. Coral reefs, seagrass and mangrove ecosystems are together to support the role and functions to the existence of fisheries resources. Therefore, monitoring periodically of the potential of three ecosystems will be very important important to keep the sustainable uitlization utilisation of fisheries resources.
Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Development
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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4 articles.