Research of the process of bending for sheet blanks by using of FDM-dies


Lavrinenko V. Yu.1,Serezhkin M. A.1


1. Bauman State Technical University


One of the items of production costs in the manufacture of parts using pressure processing methods is the cost of manufacturing tools, which can significantly increase the cost of manufacturing parts, especially in conditions of single or small-scale production. In addition, the labor intensity and production time of tools, for example, dies made of tool steels for sheet stamping, are quite high. One of the ways to reduce costs for the production of parts by sheet stamping is the reasonable use of quickly manufactured working tools (punches and dies) made of non-metallic materials, for example, rubber, polyurethane, various plastics, plastics, etc. Currently, additive technologies are increasingly used for the manufacture of die tooling, in particular various 3D printing methods, for example, FDM prototyping (FDM print-ing). The results of experimental research of the processes of bending for sheet blanks on presses and sheet hammers by using of tools made of PLA plastic using the FDM printing method (FDM-dies) are presented. The possibility of using FDM-dies to ensure the required accuracy of parts in the manufacture of parts on presses and hammers in a single (small-scale) production has been established


South Ural State University

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