Qualimetric assessment of the quality of cold-formed pipes.


Golovacheva M. V.1,Orlov G. A.1


1. Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B. N. Yeltsin


To quantify product quality, complex indicators using the principles of qualimetry are increasingly used. The use of complex indicators makes it possible to evaluate and compare product quality for various technological process options, but a unified methodological approach to quality assessment and management has not been formulated. The article lists examples of complex indicator definition in various works and presents an approach to assessing the quality of cold-deformed stainless pipes according to GOST 9941. The results of the analysis of GOST requirements for these products are presented, 15 individual indicators are identified. The values of eight individual quality indicators are defined as the probability of falling into a given interval; for seven individual indicators, the probability calculation was carried out for a quantitative characteristic. The calculated complex indicator is assessed according to the Harrington desirability scale: the range of values 0.37–0.63 is a satisfactory level of quality. To improve the complex criterion to values within the range of “acceptable and good quality level”, recommendations have been formulated in the direction of improving technology


South Ural State University

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