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4. Rodionova I. G., Amezhnov A. V., Vasechkina I. A. etc. Study of the corrosion resistance of cold-rolled low-carbon steels without micro-alloying additives. Problemy chernoi metallurgii i materialovedeniya, 2023, no. 1, pp. 79–92. DOI: 10.54826/19979258_2023_1_79. EDN: ZRCJFN.
5. Rodionova I. G., Naumenko V. V., Amezhnov A. V. etc. The influence of the presence of chromium in the composition of low-alloy pipe steels on corrosion resistance in oilfield environments. Stal', 2022, no. 12, pp. 44–53. EDN: TSRIAB.