Study of innovation technology possibilities of steel hot-rolled tempered strip production


Golubchik E. M.1,Medvedeva E. M.1,Telegin V. E.2


1. Мagnitogorsk State Technical University after G.I. Nosov, Russia, Magnitogorsk

2. Magnitogorsk Steel-works, Russia, Magnitogorsk


Hot-rolled strip having normalized level of mechanical properties, produced with high accuracy as well as having decreased level of surface defects is considered often as an alternative to a cold-rolled product. An area of its utilization includes, in particular, production of automobile parts by cold stamping and blanking operations. Analysis of experience of mastering of hotrolled pickled strip technology instead of cold-rolled one as a marketable product revealed a series of problems related to provision of normalized level of surface roughness and obtained values of geometric parameters accuracy. Results of complex study represented, carried out by scientists of MGTU after G.I. Nosov together with PAO MMK within the period of mastering of new technology of hot-rolled pickled tempered strip production. Within the study a new technological flow-chart was elaborated for 3.1 mm thick steel hot-rolled pickled strip of steel 07ГБЮ production, excluding the stage of cold rolling. An operation of tempering was envisaged as a finished one, w enabled to increase resistance of hot-rolled pickled strip against cyclic loads. It was determined, that after tempering the coarseness uniformity increases along the whole surface and coil length of pickled strip. The carried out complex studies enabled to elaborate the technological effect, applied to hot-rolled products at the stage of finishing without cold rolling operation, that enables to have the level of properties in the hot-rolled pickled tempered strip, correspondent to existing world standards for such a product.


JSC Chermetinformatsia

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