An efficient method of foundry and metallurgical coke quality improvement


Strakhov V. M.1


1. OP “Kuznetsk center”, JSC VUKHIN, Russia, Novokuznetsk


At foundry coke production, introduction into a coal burden comparatively small amount of non-sintering carbonaceous additives is one of effective methods of the coke mechanical, physical and chemical properties intended control. A review of industrial tests on coal burdens coking with different thinning additives, carried out at coking plants of Western Siberia and the Urals, presented. Coke dust of coke dry quenching facility was used as additives, as well as oil-coke and semi-coke fines, and rubber crumb. Under industrial conditions of JSC “Altaj-koks” and JSC “Koks” coke dust of coke dry quenching facility was tested as a thinning additive. After introduction into the burden of 1.6–3.0% of coke dry quenching facility dust, the coarseness and mechanical strength of foundry coke increased. The industrial burden coking with oil-coke fines was accomplished at JSC “Altajkoks” Nos 1 and 2 coke-oven batteries. Oil-coke fines in the amount of 5% was added to a burden (у = 15–16 mm) without change of coking regime (the period of coking is 15–16 h). Strength of foundry coke (М40) increased by average 0.5%, of BF coke – by 1.2%, ash content decreased by 0.3%, sulfur content increased by 0.03–0.06%, reaction ability decreased by 19% (rel.). At the OJSC “Gubakhinsky koks” it was determined by industrial tests, that it is possible to produce a metallurgical coke, meeting requirements of non-ferrous metallurgy, providing up to 5% of oil-coke fines are added instead of the same amount of low-sintering coals. VUKHIN’ studies showed, that still higher effect in improving foundry and BF coke quality can be reached by introducing into the coal burdens “modified” oil coke up to 50% as a coking additive. During industrial tests at JSC “Altaj-koks” semi-coke fines were introduced into production burden instead of KCH coal in the amount of 3–7%. At its utilization a burden crushing degree decreased down to 76.5%, dust content (class 0.5–0 mm) decreased down to 39.1%, its bulk density increased up to 780 kg/m3 . At that the coke mechanical strength corresponds to that for coke made of industrial burden, and its coarseness increased. Results of successful industrial tests of foundry coke made of burdens with coke dry quenching facility dust and oil coke fines at smelting in cupola gray cast iron and malleable cast iron. 


JSC Chermetinformatsia

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