Simulation of BB-2 beam billet conti-nuous casting for production of large-sized I-beams


Eremin K. O.1,Rubtsov V. Yu.2,Shevchenko O. I.3,Gatiev A. Z.1



2. JSC “MZ Balakovo”

3. Nizhny Tagil Institute of Technology (branch) Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin


In connection with expansion of construction sector, it is planned to develop 80‒90‒100 I-beams. For these I-beams, universal section of continuously cast billet BB-2 (1050×450×120) was developed. The purpose of this work was to check casting parameters of given billet in a simulation model, using LVMFlow software, to confirm analytical calculations. Following parameters were chosen as parameters to be evaluated: geometric shape of the cast billet, temperature and dynamic parameters of casting. For maximum reliability, boundary conditions were set similar to real parameters of the CCM-3 at EVRAZ NTMK JSC, however, as assumptions, the calculation was carried out only in zone of direct contact with mold sleeve, and plane deformation condition was set along casting. Simulation results showed possibility of using LVMFlow to simulate the beam blanks casting processes with high degree of convergence. Casting BB-2 billet is technically possible in the conditions of continuous caster No. 3 at JSC EVRAZ NTMK, when the mold is replaced. Hydrodynamic pressure is created only on walls of crystallizer; there is vacuum on remaining surfaces due to lack of crystallizer walls narrowing sleeve towards cooling. Crystallization occurs most slowly along the interface between the wall and the BB flanges, however, there are no defects in the form of splashes, due to the low hydrodynamic pressure in these zones


South Ural State University

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