1. South Ural State University (National Research University)
Nowadays, one of the most significant tasks in production of equipment for mining industry is import substitution. In this regard, investigations aimed at improving the technologies of manufacturing high quality castings from wear resistance manganese austenitic steels seems to be relevant. The results of metallographic research of high manganese steel samples from foundries producing crushing plates and crushing cones, track links, hammers, shovel teeth, tooth caps etc. are given. Analysis of the microstructure of the presented castings showed that they are characterized by a coarse-grained structure with an austenite grain size of 1–2 points. In most cases, a thickened grain boundary, presence of manganese carbides along the grain boundaries and non-metallic inclusions are observed. The revealed mi-crostructure features of castings are one of the main indicators of low wear resistance of high manganese steel parts. The operational and technological factors affecting the wear resistance of castings are listed. Recommendations for improving the quality of steel products made from manganese steels are proposed, and the results of using original complex modifiers developed at NPP Technology Company in real manufacturing conditions are presented.
South Ural State University
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