1. A. Brahma, Y. Guezennec, G. Paganelli, G. Rizzoni and S. Yurkovich - A Hardware- and Architecture-Independent Supervisory Control Strategy for Hybrid-Electric Drivetrains - 4th Stuttgart Interna-tional Symposium on Motor Vehicles and Com-bustion Engines - Stuttgart - Germany - February 2001.
2. General Supervisory Control Policy for the Energy Optimization of Charge-Sustaining Hybrid Electric Vehicles;Paganelli,2001
3. Diesel Emission Control - Sulfur Effects (DECSE) Program, Phase II Summary Report: NOx Adsorber Catalyst, October 2000.
4. M. Larsson, L. Andersson, O. Fast, M. Litorell, R. Makuie, NOx Trap Control by Physically Based Model, SAE 1999-01-3503, 1999.
5. Y. Guezennec and P. Gyan - A Novel Approach to Real-Time Estimation of the Individual Cylinder Combustion Pressure for S.I. Engine Control - SAE Technical Paper 1999-01-0209, 1999.