Blekhman I.I.,Indeitsev D.A.,Fradkov A.L.
Reference14 articles.
1. Andrievskii B.R., Guzenko P.Yu., Fradkov A.L. (1996). Control of nonlinear vibrations of mechanical systems via the speed gradient method. Autom. Rem. Control, V.57, No. 4, pp. 456-467.
2. Blekhman I.I. (1953) Self-synchronization of vibrators for some vibration machines//Ingenernyj sbornik. V.16. pp. 49-72 (in Russian).
3. Blekhman I.I. (1971) Synchronization of dynamical systems. Moscow.: Nauka, 896 c. (in Russian).
4. Blekhman I.I. (2000) Vibrational Mechanics. Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong: World Scientific. 509 p. (In Russian: Fizmatlit, 1994).
5. Blekhman I.I., Bortsov Yu. A, Burmistrov A.A., Fradkov A.L., Gavrilov S.V., Kononov O.A., Lavrov B.P., Shestakov V.M., Sokolov P.V., Tomchina O.P. (1999) Computer-controlled vibrational set-up for education and research. In: Proc. of 14th IFAC World Congress, Vol. M, pp. 193-197.
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