1. Southern University College
The influence of YouTubers to young audiences is irresistible under the social media era, no matter in attitude or audience’s decision making. YouTubers carry with positive and negative impact in various studies. However, least attention has been paid on the influence from YouTubers to Generation Z audience. Focusing on the influence of YouTubers, this study intends to provide a new lens to look into the YouTuber’s personality and charisma, furthermore, to identify effect of them to audience decision making and language. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) and Use and Gratification Theory are used in this study to explain the audiences’ behaviour in YouTube, specifically on their content selection. Qualitative research method is applied in this study, whereas in-depth interview is research design. There are five university students who represent as Generation Z involve into this study. Thematic analysis is implemented for data analysis. Result of this study discloses that university students receive positive influences from YouTubers base on their representation as role model in motivating the user to keep on learning. The YouTuber’s dramatic personality attract the audience to follow their channel in order to fulfill the entertainment needs. Besides, YouTubers also affect to user’s purchase intention as their experience on using a product has become a reliable source. However, educational level of Generation Z audience is highlighted in this study to relieve the audiences from overly online shopping behavior and this shows limitation in study of lower education level audiences. Overall, YouTubers shows their positive influence on Generation Z undergraduate students.
Universiti Putra Malaysia
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