Can Drug Price Controls Help Patients Get a Better Deal? A SWOT Analysis


Wahab Siti Norida,Sahak Muhammad Yazid


Introduction: Due to the increasing rate of drug prices and overall healthcare inflation, stakeholders from the pharmaceutical industry and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are voicing their concerns about the possible reciprocal effects in the long run. Drug price controls (DPCs) regulation is crucial to ensure affordability and indirectly reduce congestion in public healthcare facilities. This study aims to identify the SWOT analysis of the DPCs in Malaysia and how it will impact the drug supply chain. Methods: The study adopted a subjective environmental scanning method and a SWOT analysis tool to examine the Malaysian pharmaceutical DPCs in the healthcare supply chain (HSC) ecosystem through both intrinsic and extrinsic perspectives. Results: The immediate effect of DPCs would be beneficial, especially to the patients and the government. Balancing the right amount of control and liberalization of the market is seen to be the biggest factor contributing to the policy’s effect on the drug supply chain. The main concern would be the long-term effect as mixed results are coming from a group of countries that had implemented a similar policy. Conclusion: Notwithstanding the qualitative methodology of the paper, the findings could provide a better understanding of the price of drugs in Malaysia’s HSC and serve as a foundation for future studies. This paper proposes a new way to diversify the DPCs economy by entering the HSC chain industry.


Universiti Putra Malaysia


General Medicine

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