Effectiveness of Perceiving and Opinion of the Compass Model in Monitoring the Toddlers’ Growth


Damanik Elsarika,Panduragan Santhana Lecthmi,Mat Samsiah,Sinaga Taruli Rohana,Sembiring Rinawati,Purba Agnes,Pardede Jack Amidos,Poddar Sandeep


Introduction: In comparison to other countries, Indonesia has higher birth rates. Chronic malnutrition, which results from inadequate dietary intake over a long period of time due to improper feeding practises, causes a condition known as stunting. This research aims to understand the perception and opinion of the compass model through its effectiveness in monitoring toddler growth. Methods: In this research, the qualitative method is used. The qualitative data is collected by conducting interview sessions with informants. Results: The result was obtained from an interview with experts. With all the benefits and ease of using Compass, mothers could be aware of and care for their children’s growth and development. Conclusion: The Compass Model is helpful as a new tool for mothers to monitor the growth of their children because it is easy to use and understand for midwives and mothers, who can read the result of the change.


Universiti Putra Malaysia


General Medicine

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