Oral health Promotion: Are we doing it right?
Container-title:Libyan Journal of Dentistry
Short-container-title:Libyan J Dent
University of Benghazi
Reference10 articles.
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3. Ballo L, Arheiam A, Marhazlinda J. Determinants of caries experience and the impact on the OHRQOL of 6-year-old Libyan children: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Oral Health. 2021;21(1):320.
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5. Arheiam A, Abbas S, Ballo L, Borowis E, Rashwan S, El Tantawi M. Prevalence, distribution, characteristics and associated factors of molar-incisor hypo-mineralisation among Libyan schoolchildren: a cross-sectional survey. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. 2021;22(4):595-601.