1. From the Institute of Human Genetics, National Research Center for Environment and Health (GSF), Neuherberg, Germany; the
2. Department of Medical Genetics at the University of Munich, Munich, Germany; the
3. University Eye Hospital Tu¨bingen, Tu¨bingen, Germany; the
4. Center for Laboratory Medicine, Cantonal Hospital Aarau, Aarau, Switzerland; the
5. Department of Paediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismology, and Ophthalmogenetics, Regensburg, Germany; the
6. Molecular Genetics Laboratory, University Eye Hospital Tu¨bingen, Tu¨bingen, Germany; the
7. Institute of Human Genetics, Mu¨nster, Germany; the
8. University Eye Clinic, Munich, Germany; and
9. From the Institute of Human Genetics, National Research Center for Environment and Health (GSF), Neuherberg, Germany; the11GSF-Clinical Cooperation Group Ophthalmogenetics, Neuherberg, Germany.