1. From the Center for Ophthalmology and the3Department of Biophysics, Instituto Biome´dico para a Investigac¸a~o da Luz e Imagem, Faculty of Medicine, Coimbra, Portugal;
2. From the Center for Ophthalmology and the
3. From the Center for Ophthalmology and the4Associac¸a~o para a Investigac¸a~o Biome´dica e Inovac¸a~o na Luz e Imagem, Coimbra, Portugal; and the
4. From the Center for Ophthalmology and the4Associac¸a~o para a Investigac¸a~o Biome´dica e Inovac¸a~o na Luz e Imagem, Coimbra, Portugal; and the5Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.