In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the awareness of communication and interaction among the vast majority of people from all over the world. The increase in this awareness has also caused a change in the understanding of management and leadership. Since ancient philosophers, 'leadership' has been regarded as one of the most important, perhaps even the most important, factor affecting the success or failure of an organization. For this reason, understanding the executive leadership styles will have the potential to contribute to business life in general, as well as providing new intuitions to researchers interested in management science.
Leaders are people who can increase the organizational commitment of employees with their characteristics, management and direction skills and methods. In order for today's organizations to be successful and to continue their existence, the necessity of adopting contemporary leadership approaches as well as classical leadership approaches has emerged. In this direction, the aim of this study is to introduce the leadership styles by scanning the literature and to contribute to the specific areas of knowledge that are missing. This study presents leadership and its definitions, historical review of leadership, leadership theory, leadership styles and general theoretical framework.
International Journal of Educational Spectrum
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
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