Modeling of the management system of the mineral resource complex of the region using the feedback principle


Kuznetsova E. V.1,Dadykin V. S.1


1. Bryansk State Technical University, 7, 50-letiya Oktyabrya blvd., Bryansk, 241035, Russia


The model of the management system of the mineral resource complex of the region using the feedback principle is developed, the structural composition of the model elements is analyzed from the point of view of the specifics of the management object – the mineral resource complex of the region. According to the control theory, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the control action by means of a control device as part of the control system model. Regional monitoring of the state of the mineral resource complex of the region and indicators (indicators) of programs for geological exploration of the subsurface and reproduction of mineral resources are used as monitoring devices in the model. The defining influence on the decision-making subsystem comes from the strategy for the development of the geological industry until 2030 and sub-program 1 “Reproduction of the mineral resource base, geological study of the subsurface” of the state program “Reproduction and use of natural resources”. As measuring devices in the control system model, such elements as the calculation of the necessary increase in geological knowledge, the analysis of changes in the balance of security for the forecast period are used. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the system in terms of management theory is implemented by establishing a correspondence between the indicators (indicators) in the state programs and the actual state of the management object at the time of forecasting.


Informatization and Communication Journal Editorial Board


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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