Investigation of quality features of Türkiye commercial honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.) in different seasons


Aktürk Salim


In addition to determining the effect of season and breeds on the quality attributes of queen bees, the focus of this study was to assess the current state of the queens sold in Türkiye in terms of the investigated qualities. It was demonstrated that weight features and particular dissection characteristics are influenced by time period in particular. The average diameter of the spermatheca was 1.148 mm in April May, 1.109 mm in July, and 1.115 mm in September. The average overall sperm count obtained in this study is 4.086 million. It is considered that this number is suitable and can be enhanced somewhat by applying elements such as optimal location selection, drone cultivation, and correct and thorough implementation of the production method. In this study, multiple advantages of the queen bees of Yığılca Ecotype over other breeds were not deemed substantial enough to suggest their usage in beekeeping enterprises. To be able to make this suggestion, it was determined that it is important to perform similar research in various years and to assess colony growth in places that migratory beekeepers favor and utilize extensively throughout the winter.


Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences







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