Cytological distribution of chorionic gonadotropin subunit and placental lactogen messenger RNA in neoplasms derived from human placenta.


Hoshina M,Hussa R,Pattillo R,Boime I


Normal trophoblast of the human placenta elaborates at least two major protein hormones, chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and placental lactogen (hPL). There are several gestational trophoblastic diseases of the placenta called hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, and choriocarcinoma. Molar and choriocarcinoma tissues characteristically synthesize large amounts of hCG and small quantities of hPL. To examine the role of trophoblast differentiation in the expression of the hCG and hPL genes, we studied the cytological distribution of their messenger RNA (mRNA) in tissue sections of human hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma by in situ hybridization. Histologically, these tissues are in different stages of cellular differentiation. In normal placenta, hCG alpha and -beta mRNA can be localized to some cytotrophoblasts and primarily to the syncytium, whereas hPL mRNA appears only in the syncytial layer. In hydatidiform mole, which still retains placental villous morphology, the hPL gene and hCG alpha and -beta genes are expressed but are poorly localized because of the admixture of cyto- and syncytiotrophoblasts. By contrast, choriocarcinoma, which is devoid of placental villous pattern but in which the cyto- and syncytiotrophoblast-like components are distinguishable, expresses hCG alpha and -beta in the syncytial-like areas but little, if any, hPL. These results suggest that a certain level of trophoblast differentiation, such as villous formation, is associated with hPL expression, while the hCG alpha gene and the hCG beta gene can be expressed in more disorganized tissues that contain cytotrophoblastic elements.


Rockefeller University Press


Cell Biology

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