1. Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, 82152 Germany
One of the characteristics of the mammalian Golgi is its position adjacent to the nucleus. This characteristic is maintained through the action of the microtubule (MT) minus end–directed motor dynein and MT-associated proteins (MAPs). Recent findings suggest that GMAP-210, a member of the golgin family of proteins, may help to link Golgi membranes and vesicles with the MT cytoskeleton. However, there are good grounds to doubt that either GMAP-210 or its yeast homologue Rud3p is a MAP. Instead, they appear to function in vesicle trafficking events at the Golgi together with the GTPase ARF1 and a small membrane protein, Erv14. As such, the interesting question of how the Golgi interacts with MTs may well remain open to further investigation.
Rockefeller University Press
Cited by
46 articles.