1. From the Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, St. Bartholomew's Medical College, University of London
1. In view of widely diverse views held about the identity and structure of the Golgi apparatus in neurons of Mollusca, particularly gastropods, a study has been made on neurons of the common limpet, Patella vulgata, both by light and electron microscopy. A report is given also of observations made on epithelial cells of Patella by electron microscopy.
2. As revealed by Kolatchev's method, the Golgi apparatus in neurons consists basically of black filaments lying to one side of the nucleus. The filaments generally anastomose to form networks of various complexity. Rarely some cells contain only discrete filaments. Associated with some of the filaments is a weakly osmiophilic substance identified as archoplasm. Kolatchev's method also revealed spheroidal bodies (neutral red bodies, "lipochondria," etc.).
3. It has not been possible to demonstrate the Golgi apparatus using either iron-haematoxylin or Sudan black.
4. Examination of Kolatchev's preparations by electron microscopy has revealed that some of the Golgi filaments consist of chromophilic and chromophobic components. The chromophilic component consists of dense lamellae.
5. After fixation in buffered osmium tetroxide solution and examination by electron microscopy, it has been concluded that (a) the chromophilic component of the Golgi apparatus corresponds to a system of paired membranes (which usually enclose an inner dense substance), (b) the chromophobic component corresponds to a substance lying within small dilations of the paired membrane, and (c) the archoplasm corresponds to numerous small vesicles.
6. The paired membranes branch, anastomose, and can often be traced back to a common source. They are interpreted as lamelliform folds, and occasionally tubular processes, of essentially a single Golgi membrane. In cells containing a Golgi network it is suggested that the membrane extends through the whole of the apparatus in such a way that the substance it encloses may be regarded as being in a continuous phase.
7. Epithelial cells of Patella contain a juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus with an ultrastructure similar to that described for neurons.
Rockefeller University Press
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15 articles.