1. From The Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, and The Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
The apposition eyes of two diurnal insects, Sarcophaga bullata (Diptera) and Anax junius (Odonata), have been examined with the electron microscope. In the latter case only the rhabdom is described.
The rhabdom of the fly consists of a central matrix and seven rhabdomeres, one for each retinula cell. The rhabdomeres show an ordered internal structure built up of transverse tubes, hexagonal in cross-section. These slender compartments running the width of the rhabdomere are 370 A in diameter. After fixation with osmium tetroxide the walls of the compartments are more electron dense than the interiors. The retinula cells contain mitochondria, and pigment granules smaller than those found in the pigment cells. These granules tend to cluster close behind the membranes which separate the retinula cells from their rhabdomeres.
The rhabdom of the dragonfly is a single structure which appears to be composed of three fused "rhabdomeres," each similar to a rhabdomere of Sarcophaga.
Reasons are given for believing that the rhabdom may be the site of photoreception, as well as the organ for analyzing plane-polarized light, as suggested by other workers.
Rockefeller University Press
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