Comparison of pure caucasian, carniolan and native anatolian ecotype honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies in the eastern anatolia region with reciprocal F1 hybrids


Erkan CengizORCID,Günbey Veysel Serkan,Günbey Belgin,Cengiz Fırat


The aim of this study was to compare specific physiological and behavioral characteristics of A. m. caucasica, A. m. carnica, and native honeybees, as well as reciprocal crosses, within the ecological conditions of East Anatolia (Van province), Turkey. The findings revealed that native honeybees exhibited the highest average sealed brood area and the highest average number of frames with bees. In contrast, the highest average honey yield was observed in the crossbreeding of Carniolan bees with native bees. Significant differences were identified among the groups concerning brood area, the number of bee frames, aggression tendency, and honey yield. The study concluded that Carniolan and Caucasian bees exhibited suboptimal performance outside their native habitats. Nevertheless, Carniolan bees were identified as a viable option for mitigating aggression tendencies and enhancing honey yield in native bee populations.


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