Technological development allows expanding marketing communication tools and updating marketing approaches to promotion. Chains of hotels, cinemas, gaming business and restaurants are a part of the entertainment industry, which directs marketing efforts to create a special impression for a visitor. This approach is the key to motivate to repeat visits and to create long-term relationships with clients. The purpose of the article is to consider the existing marketing communication strategies of enterprises in the entertainment sector, to single out and systematize the methods of setting goals for the formation of effective promotion. Peculiarities of marketing communication strategies in the chain business of the entertainment services sector are studied, as well as in context of hotel, cinema, restaurant and gaming chains. The modern market of entertainment services is rapidly changing under the influence of technological and consumer trends and social and economic crisis. Therefore, issues of crisis management and interaction with consumers during crisis situations are relevant. Also the main tools of marketing communication strategies, such as advertising, public relations, social media and interactive channels are highlighted. Methods of analysis and synthesis, grouping and comparison are applied for investigation the use of digital technologies for communication with customers in marketing campaigns of enterprises in the entertainment sector. Particular attention is paid to specific aspects of marketing communications of hotel, cinema, gaming and restaurant chain business, such as brand management, personalized offers, social media marketing and outdoor advertising. The research results and recommendations can be useful for marketing and advertising managers working in the field of hotels, cinemas, gaming and hotel chain business.
Research and Educational Innovation Center of Social Transformations
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