The article focuses on the implementation of innovative healthcare infrastructure projects, with a pilot case in Spain. It emphasizes the critical role of innovation and advance capabilities systems for healthcare for enhancing service quality and creating productive environments aligned with sustainable development principles. The article demonstrates the complexity of implementing social projects and the problems of their dissemination. It explores the key elements of implementing innovative healthcare infrastructure projects (using the example of health-oriented advanced lighting in medical facilities). The methodology incorporates a comprehensive analysis of current lighting technologies in medical institutions and their impact on both staff and patients. The study explores the adoption of biodynamic lighting systems, which adapt to human circadian rhythms, thereby contributing to health and well-being. The methodology incorporates a comprehensive analysis of current lighting technologies in medical institutions and their impact on both staff and patients. The article discusses the project CHRONOlight, implemented in a central Hospital, aiming to develop and optimize a biodynamic lighting system. The project serves as a model for integrating innovative lighting solutions in healthcare facilities, showcasing the potential for significant improvements in patient care and worker productivity. The findings suggest that innovative lighting technologies are essential for advancing healthcare infrastructure towards more sustainable and effective practices. The emphasis is on the necessity of engaging stakeholders in the implementation process of innovations, and their characterization is described using the CHRONOlight project as an example. The need for using a project communication management model is highlighted, and a model for managing project communications for CHRONOlight is proposed.
Статтю розміщено в рамках грантової програми ГО «НАУКОВО-ОСВІТНІЙ ІННОВА-ЦІЙНИЙ ЦЕНТР СУСПІЛЬНИХ ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЙ» за підсумками Конкурсу індивідуальнихгрантів «Ініціатива підтримки науковців» https://reicst.sgv.in.ua/index.php/naukovi-osvitniproekti-b/grantovi-programi/79-konkurs-individualnikh-grantiv-initsiativa-pidtrimki-naukovtsiv
NGO "Research and Educational Innovation Center of Social Transformations"
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