Mentoring activity, which should be considered as a system of relationships, in which one person (mentor) provides support for new knowledge, development and progress of another person (student, mentee), has been studied. The practice of using mentoring in the system of education and science, pedagogy, the field of personnel policy of state authorities, entrepreneurial activity, sociological research is considered and its characteristic features are determined. The importance of mentoring in the conditions of innovative development of enterprises is indicated, which ensures strategic partnership, stimulation of creative activity of innovators, development of their professional skills, acquisition of new knowledge, increase in the level of loyalty of employees and their dedication to the enterprise; improvement of interpersonal interaction; acquisition by mentors of experience in management and training of employees, transfer of strategic knowledge, etc. The sequence of mentoring at enterprises was studied. The conceptual principles of mentoring development in the system of innovative activity of the enterprise are outlined, for which the means of modeling business processes of the enterprise (Process Modeler (BPwin) with the support of IDEF0 functional modeling methodology) are used. The defining concept of mentoring is substantiated by its functional disposition in the following directions: detailing the order of mentoring to 4 stages of its implementation at the enterprise ("to tell", "to show", " to make", review stages); specifying the necessary administrative documents that ensure managerial influence on the process of mentoring at the enterprise (innovative strategy and tactics of the enterprise and mentoring regulations); specifications for mentoring resource provision when carrying out innovative activities (participants of mentoring are mentors, mentees and other employees of the enterprise if necessary, to implement their functions, interviews, workshops, online meetings should be held, which are recommended to be carried out offline and by MS Teams, Zoom, Google meet, etc.) and its results (theoretical knowledge or practical skills of the mentor and mentee, etc.). The results are displayed on the context diagram (global model) and with the help of the functional decomposition of mentoring in the system of innovative activity of the enterprise. The article is empirical.
Research and Educational Innovation Center of Social Transformations
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