Implementation of Modern Managerial Information and Communication Technologies for the Provision of Business Processes at the Enterprise


Soloviov AndriiORCID


The article examines the peculiarities of the implementation of modern management information and communication technologies to ensure business processes at the enterprise. The  concept of «managerial information and communication technologies» is clarified, their place and role in the activity of modern industrial enterprises is analyzed from the standpoint of anthropocentric, technocentric and pragmatic approaches and various economic theories. An evaluation of the ICT offered on the market was carried out in terms of their significance for the effective management and provision of business of companies. It has been proven that only companies that will be able to optimally use the potential of ICT for the development of their business will be able to survive in the new market realities. At the same time, mistakes in choosing one or another path of ICT development at the enterprise can result not only in material and temporary losses, but even in the collapse of the company. The problem is exacerbated by the extremely rapid evolution of ICT itself. Under such conditions, developments in the field of enterprise management based on information and communication technologies are extremely important.


Research and Educational Innovation Center of Social Transformations

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