The values and performance of the companies may be affected by the dividend policies that the companies will implement. The profit disclosed in the financial statements as a result of the company's periodic activities; whether it will be distributed to shareholders, the dividend distribution rate and how the dividend will be paid are considered to be important decisions that should be made by the company. As a result of these decisions, the company's dividend distribution policies are determined one of the objectives of the companies in determining the dividend distribution policies is to reach the highest level of the company's value. There are many studies in the literature on the relationship between dividend policy and company value and performance. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the performance of companies participating in Borsa Istanbul (BIST) and distributing regular dividends for the last five years, unlike the studies in the literature. For this purpose, using the data of 19 companies between the years 2018-2020, the performance ranking of companies was carried out using the ORESTE method with dual superiority algorithms for the relevant years. As a result of the study, the ranking results of successful and unsuccessful companies are presented.
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