Mesleki Eğilimin ve Ebeveynlerin İşe Alımdaki Rolü




1. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu


The aim of this study is to search to the topic “The role of professional inclination and parents on recruitment”. The data analyzed in this study have been obtained from the TURKSTAT Study held on 2016 on the Structure of Family. The sample of this study is a group providing estimation at Turkey Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) 1 Level (12 Region) to represent universe. Their professions and the professions of their parents were asked to the 42.044 persons who participated in that study and these were recorded and classified according to their International Standard Classification of Occupation (ISCO)-08 codes. During the analysis of data, the professions of mother, father and children were coded as white, blue, gray and pink-collars. Then, whether a relationship or not between mother, father and children profession and the collar color was investigated. At the end of the study, a high correlation level was established between the mother’s collar color and the child’s collar color. Another result is the correlation observed between the father’s collar color and the child’s collar color. In addition, it was determined that the collar color of the child is correlated with the mother’s collar color at a higher level than with the father’s collar color. This result indicates that the profession of parents should also be taken in consideration as a criterion by the managers for recruitment of employees.


Kirklareli University

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