1. The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, Now by Authority of Parliament Sitting at Westminster, Concerning a Confession of Faith (London: Company of Stationers, 1646).
2. The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, Sitting at Westminster, Concerning a Larger and a Shorter Catechisme (Edinburgh: Evan Tyler, 1647).
3. The Prerogative of Man: Or, the Immortality of Humane Soules Asserted against the Vain Cavils of a Late Worthlesse Pamphlet, Entituled, Mans Mortality (Oxford: H. Hall, 1645).
4. Aquinas, Thomas, The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas (London: Burns, Oates & Washburne, 1920), https://www.newadvent.org/summa/.
5. Arnobius, The Seven Books of Arnobius against the Heathen (Adversus Gentes), eds Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson and A. Cleveland Coxe, trans Hamilton Bryce and Hugh Campbell, ANF Vol. 6 (Buffalo: Christian Literature Company, 1886).