1. Karaganda medical university
The aim of the study: to evaluate the effect of the degree of lung injury on the disease progression in COVID-19.Materials and methods: during the study, 100 patients were examined on the basis of the coronavirus hospital of the Non-commercial JSC «Karaganda medical university» (Karaganda city) among the ages from 18 to 93 years. All patients underwent computed tomography (CT) on Canon Aquilion Prime SP tomograph (160 sections). Scanning was carried out at admission, on 4-5, 8-9 days or according to indications. The degree of lung injury in CT was determined on the basis of an «empirical» percentage visual scale of CT 0-4. A comparative assessment of changes in lung tissue with the stages of the course of the disease SARS-COV-2 was carried out.Results and discussion: when comparing the indicators of the degree of lung damage in CT and the clinical severity of the disease, they have a weak direct correlation (P≥0.05).Conclusion: CT is a highly informative diagnostic method of SARS-COV-2 (sensitivity 97-98 %), allows to identify all semiotic elements of lung tissue injury, the extent of the pathological process, the effectiveness of the treatment and prediction of the clinical course of the disease.
Karaganda Medical University
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