Analysis of the survey of the formation of communication skills among students of the FOR21 ERASMUS+ project


Madaliyeva S. K.1,Bagiyarova F. A.1,Kashaganova K. T.1


1. KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov


This article discusses the relevance of the formation of communication skills among medical students, the importance of correcting the methodological aspects of teaching the discipline "Communication Skills", displays the intermediate results of teaching communication skills under the Erasmus + project program. By conducting a survey of students using pre- and post-test. The study was conducted among first-year students, the duration of training was one semester. The survey was conducted in two stages at the beginning and at the end of training. The international and domestic experience among medical universities is given, the most significant achievements in the teaching of this discipline are displayed. The data obtained show the effectiveness of the developed methodology in the learning process, there is an understanding of the use of communication skills in the dyad «Doctor – Patient», thereby forming the communicative competence of medical students from the very beginning of training.


Karaganda Medical University

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