The athlete's stamina supports sports performance, but stamina is supported by various things, one of which is the quality of the athlete's sleep during recovery. This study aims to determine the effect of sleep quality on football performance. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative with a correlational approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with several considerations, including football school students aged 13-15 years actively participating in football school activities and students are permitted to take part in research from a total population of 10 students consisting of 2 students aged 13 years, six students aged 14 years and two students aged 15 years. The research instruments are PSQI to determine sleep quality and GPAI to assess performance. Based on calculations and data analysis, an average PSQI score of 4.1 was obtained, and the average GPAI score for the criteria included SE 3.4, DM 3.1, and SP 3.6. Based on the correlation value calculation, it was found that there was a negative correlation with a moderate strength of -0.502 for PSQI and SE. In contrast, the correlation value between PSQI, DM, and SP had weak strength and was also harmful to SE at -0.305 but positive for SP, namely 0.255. Conclusion: The influence of sleep quality on football performance has a significant relationship, but the level of influence is at a medium or even low level.
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Syiah Kuala
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences
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