1. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği Bölümü
This study, which aims to determine the e-learning attitudes of talented teacher candidates following the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş and Hatay and to compare them according to some variables, was designed with a cross-sectional-survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The research sample was comprised of 826 pre-service teachers from the fields of Physical Education and Sports, Music Education, and Visual Arts during the spring semester of 2022-2023. Data for the study were collected using the Test of E-Learning Related Attitudes Scale, with data collection conducted through Google Forms. Data analysis was used to SPSS program. In terms of the academic department variable, it was concluded that pre-service teachers specializing in Physical Education and Sports, Music Education, and Visual Arts demonstrated similar levels of E-learning attitudes, and no statistically significant differences were observed among them (p<0.05). Furthermore, in the context of education and instructional activities being carried out through online learning methods, it was determined that the choice of and utilization of computers and mobile devices as learning tools resulted in similar overall E-learning attitudes (p<0.05). Nevertheless, those who favored mobile devices demonstrated a statistically higher level of inclination toward technology use and perceived usefulness, while those who used computers reported statistically higher levels of satisfaction and motivation in their E-learning attitudes (p<0.05). According to the research results, it was observed that the E-learning attitudes of pre-service teachers following the Kahramanmaraş and Hatay earthquakes were at a moderate level, with satisfaction in online learning registering as the least favorable aspect of E-learning attitude.
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Life-span and Life-course Studies,Health (social science),Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
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