Implementation of Manipulative Basic Movement Learning Model Development for Students aged 5-6 years


Anggara Norma1ORCID,Pratiwi Endang2ORCID,Juniarto Mastri3ORCID,Juni Samodra Y. Touvan4ORCID,Basuki Sunarno1ORCID,Indah Eka Purnama1ORCID,Herlinda Dos Santos Maria5ORCID,Defliyanto Defliyanto6ORCID,Fitri Novita Sari Eka3ORCID,Aspar Muhammad7ORCID


1. Lambung Mangkurat State University

2. Islamic University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Banjarmasin

3. Department of Sport Education, Jakarta State University

4. IKIP PGRI Pontianak, University Tanjungpura

5. Sports Coaching Education , Muhammadiyah University of Bone

6. Department of Sport Education, University Sriwijaya,

7. Department of Sport Education, Muhammadiyah Jakarta State University


This research aims to know application of learning models motion base manipulative of participants educate aged 5-6 years . Loading experimental method pre test and post test as well as skills test results motion base manipulative . Population from study This participant educate 5-6 years old totaling 120 students . Experiment 12 meetings were held . Pretest and posttest were carried out with instrument motion base throwing , catching , dribbling , kicking and bouncing the ball. Based on the results of the data normality test stated that the data was not so that data analysis with using non- parametric statistics . Test results with using Wilcoxon states there is difference between group experiment and control with sig. 0.00 . With thereby can concluded that application of learning models with a motion model base manipulative effective For increase results ability motor rough child 5-6 years old .


International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences

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