1. Far Eastern Federal University
The article concentrates on the study of the current problem of communication aspects of secondary socialization in the modern information society. Media play a significant role in all areas of post-industrial society, and socialization processes, in particular secondary socialization, are no exception. In this article the phenomenon of secondary socialization is described, approaches to its comprehensive understanding both from the point of view of classics of sociology and modern researchers are offered. An idea of the mechanism of functioning of this social phenomenon is given from the author’s point of view. The importance of media as the main channel for the transmission of socializing content in the modern socialization process in a society with intense communication links is also studied. The concept of the “media significant other” is given as a new approach to understanding the communication aspects of secondary socialization in modern society. The essence of the “media significant other” concept is revealed in the connection with the phenomenon of the “significant other”, also its features and its place in the system of secondary socialization is considered. Using the example of influencers, the case of functioning of the “media significant other” in the information and socialization space is considered. The article analyzes the data of a study aimed at empirically fixing the existence of the phenomenon of “media significant others” as personalities from the media sphere who influence following respondents.
The Association International Academy of Communicology
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