1. Courtney Jung, Coding Manual: A Description of the Methods and Decisions Used to Build a Cross-National Dataset of Economic and Social Rights in Developing Country Constitutions (2010), available at http://www.tiesr.org/TIESR%20Coding%20Manual%208%20March%202011.pdf http://www.tiesr.org/TIESR%20Coding%20Manual%208%20March%202011.pdf
2. COMPARATIVE CONSTITUTIONS PROJECT, http://comparativeconstitutionsproject.org http://comparativeconstitutionsproject.org
3. Foreword: On Protecting the Poor Through the Fourteenth Amendment;Frank I. Michelman;HARV. L. REV.,1969
4. In Pursuit of Constitutional Welfare Rights: One View of Rawls’ Theory of Justice;Frank I. Michelman;U. PA. L. REV.,1973
5. The New Property;Charles A. Reich;YALE L.J.,1964