Usage Shrub and Tree-Form Plants in Traditional Folk Medicine


Kadıoğlu Sibel1ORCID,Kadıoğlu Banu1ORCID,Karagöz Kevser2ORCID


1. doğu anadolu tarımsal araştırma enstitüsü

2. Tarla Btk,leri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü


The purpose of the study carried out at the fourteen villages is to compile traditional knowledge and shrubs and trees used to improve human and animal health. In the study, traditional information about the medicinal uses of some wild plants in the form of trees, shrubs and heather, which the people continue to use primarily for food have been recorded and, 34 taxa used in folk remedies (human and animal health) have been determined. These plants belong to 11 families and most of the taxa used belong to the Rosaceae family. The families that these plants belong to are respectively; Rosaceae (15), Lamiaceae (5), Berberidaceae (2), Cupressaceae (2), Elaeagnaceae (2), Grossulariaceae (2), Salicaceae (2), Asteraceae (1), Adoxaceae (1), Ericaceae (1), Hypericaceae (1). These taxa consist of 59% shrub, 9% semi-shrub, 6% shrubby and 26% tree or small tree. The leaves, flowers, shoots and roots of these taxa are used, especially the fruit parts. These natural plants are used in respiratory system (18%), digestive system (9%), urinary system (14%), appetite and hematic purposes (11%), hemorrhoid (23%), rheumatism (7%), diabetes (11%) and other (9%) ailments. In the study, it was also determined that four taxa were used in animal diseases.




Faculty of Applied Sciences, Muş Alparslan University

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