Administrative judiciary is looking for a balance in a crisis


SKÓRA Agnieszka1,SREBALOVÁ Mária2,PAPÁČOVÁ Ingrida3


1. Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Republic of Poland

2. Faculty of Law, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovak Republic

3. - ADVOKÁTI s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovak Republic


The article focuses on actual challenges of administrative justice in the Slovak Republic and Poland. The legal crisis and the crisis in law in both countries have common signs and necessarily differences. The authors analyze selected problems of administrative justice, which are connected by the current state of society marked by the crisis. In the part dedicated to the Slovak Republic and Poland, emphasis is placed on the crisis associated with changes in the judicial system and - additionally - in Poland it is the crisis associated with changes in the law caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the nature of the researched topic, we have applied analysis, synthesis as well as comparison of legal regulations in the processing of this issue. However, in addition to the mentioned scientific methods of research, we also used scientific literature, case law and analogy of the law. The article can be beneficial by researching the development of problems associated with administrative justice in states with a similar historical development of society.


Bucharest University of Economic Studies


Law,Political Science and International Relations,Public Administration,Education







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