1. Derzhavin Tambov State University
Importance. The study of the development of large landed estates in the Russian Empire in the post-reform period is an important part of historical research, as it allows us to consider the totality of social and economic factors that affected the agrarian issue. Large latifundias were the development agents of capitalist relations in agriculture, as they were the highest level of vendibility estates, and certain owners introduced the most modern methods of land use and management to increase profitability.
Materials and Methods. The main sources of the research is the materials of a separate collection of documents of the Novo-Pokrovsk estate kept in the State Archive of the Tambov Region (F. 195, 1113 items of storage).
Results and Discussion. The system of administrative control at the level of the Orlovs-Davydovs estates included the work of patrimonial offices with a staff of chancellors and managers, followed by the chiefs of economies, who controlled remote land and cattle-breeding areas, and the rangers, who monitored the whole complex of production relations, on a special license.
Conclusion. The study of the peculiarities of administration of the Novo-Pokrovsk economy showed the effectiveness of the formed system of management of landed property. This system was based on the work of the Main Office, which ensured the correct operation of certain estates of the Orlovs-Davydovs family.
Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin
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