Police against Halloween: countering threats to national security and protecting traditional culture


Kipreev Sergey N.1ORCID


1. Krasnodar University of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation


Importance. The aspiration of education system to formation of traditional spiritual and moral values in modern society is considered. The aim of the research is to determine the attitude of youth to Halloween and the specifics of the perception of this event. Materials and methods. The subject of the study determined the role and place of Halloween celebration in the life of young people. To achieve the goal we used such methods as: desk research, sociological survey, individual interview. Results and Discussion. The features of public order protection by police officers during Halloween celebration are considered; set forth the anti-social essence of this “holiday”; Its detrimental influence on the formation of spiritual and moral values of citizens is considered; described the specifics of the process of formation of traditional worldview of police officers as the basis for counteracting threats to national security; substantiated the thesis on the need to actualize the formation of traditional culture in contemporary Russian society. The understanding of the semantic content of Halloween by students is also considered. The statement that Halloween is a substitute event, which draws on significant information resources that could be spent on more useful activities, such as the development of traditional Russian culture, is proved. The impact of Halloween celebrations on public safety is analyzed. Conclusion. Halloween is part of the cultural and linguistic intervention in our society. Defenders of the law should adhere to traditional Russian values, and this will contribute to the overall level of cultural formation.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Ocean Engineering

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