The role and place of phonetics in the process of learning Chinese language


Leonova Daria Y.1ORCID,Tikhonova Evgeniya V.1ORCID


1. Tomsk State University


In the process of learning Chinese, students often make typical mistakes that greatly affect communication and the learning process as a whole. With the analysis, it was found that at the initial stage, students have the most difficulties when mastering phonetics. This is primarily due to the difference in the phonetic systems of Chinese and Russian languages. Mistakes in the pronunciation of sounds, incorrect pronunciation of tones, pauses in a word or phrase distort the meaning of the utterance, interfere with the correct perception of information and are very difficult to correct if you do not pay attention to them in time. To avoid difficulties in communicating in Chinese, it is necessary to pay great attention to teaching phonetics, especially at the initial stage of training. A brief overview of the methodology of research in the field of phonetics is given, a number of errors identified in students and how these errors affect the communication process are given, thus confirming the important role of phonetics in teaching Chinese.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Ocean Engineering

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