Developmental and educational potential of a foreign language: linguistic and methodical heritage of R.P. Millrood (1948–2020)


Gural Svetlana K.1ORCID,Polyakov Oleg G.2ORCID,Aleksich Ekaterina V.3ORCID


1. Tomsk State University

2. Derzhavin Tambov State University

3. Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation named after V.Y. Kikot


Importance. The research examines the linguistic and methodical heritage of R.P. Millrood and outlines the ways of development of the ideas formulated by him and related to the development and education of learners throuhg a foreign language. Materials and Methods. The results of the research undertaken by the scholar in different years are analyzed, his experience as language teacher and researcher is summarized, and the prospects for the development of his ideas are discussed. Results and Discussion. Emphasizing the importance of developing collective relationships in pre-service foreign language teachers’ educational activities, R.P. Millrood identifies readiness for practical activities as their key qualification quality, as well pedagogical experience as a significant factor in the formation of emotional regulation of their behaviour. Particular attention is paid to the formation of their professional beliefs, the main feature of which is the pronounced semantic self-regulation of the individual. The scholar developed a concept for schoolchildren’s development by means of a foreign language. His model of developmental education is based on the interaction of the humanistic qualities of the teacher’s personality, the goals, principles, content, methods, techniques, aids and planned results that are communication-oriented and activate their intellectual abilities. Issues of foreign-language teacher professional development and his/her involvement in research work, intercultural education and the formation of socio-cultural competence, the use of ICT, etc. are raised. This is reflected in the development of educational and methodical system in English, manuals for teachers, and in the implementation of international projects. The promising directions for the development of R.P. Millrood’s ideas are as follows: formation of would-be teachers’ academic community; application of cooperative learning technology; career-guidance education and development of schoolchildren; using artificial-intelligence technologies in foreign language teaching. Conclusion. The ideas of developmental teaching and education by means of a foreign language put forward by R.P. Millrood had a great influence on both theory and practice of school and university education. They remain relevant and developed in young researchers’ works.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin


Ocean Engineering

Reference20 articles.

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