
TIKHONOVA Evgeniya Vladimirovna1,BELOV Danil Nikolaevich1,SHEVCHENKO Mikhail Aleksandrovich1


1. National Research Tomsk State University


The process of teaching university lecturers foreign language professional discourse is shown, the aim and objectives of education are defined, and the importance of choosing proper educational content is specified. The significance of professional knowledge as to its capability to form lecturer's professional language competence in accordance with the modern state of scientific knowledge is proven. The necessity of taking into account specifics of lecturer's professional activities and including professional knowledge in the educational content is proven, and its components are defined. The principles which form the model of teaching university lecturers in the context of profession-oriented educational process, and the competency-based, cognitive, and student-centered approaches, are examined in detail. The components of educational content in teaching foreign languages are stated, representing the basis of foreign language education, centering on professional activity. Currently many Russian universities in an attempt to internationalize face the problem of high-quality education and right selection of academic staff, who can speak English at the required level. This situation is determined by the necessity of linguistic support of the education process (lectures in foreign languages, training international students) and research work (searching and studying sources in foreign languages, cooperation with foreign researchers etc.). Non-languages faculties of Russian universities are experiencing the lack of specialists, who have the required level of English (developing and presenting lecture courses, work programs, evaluation methods, laboratory works). So the whole range of the problems forms the relevance of the study. As the primary research method experienced teachers training is used.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin

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