Assessment of the development state of the anti-corruption culture of the future bachelor of law in the educational process of a law university


Shtukarev Nikita A.1ORCID


1. Orenburg Institute (Branch) of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


High rates of manifestation of corrupt behaviour in the professional activities of law enforcement officials are the result of shortcomings in their professional education. Within the framework of the conducted empirical research, we set the goal: to assess the development state of the anti-corruption culture of future bachelors of law in the educational process of a law university. To achieve this goal, two groups of methods are used: empirical – a questionnaire survey of law students and an interpretive analysis of the obtained factual material, and theoretical – an analytical study of scientific literature on the research problem. The factors that indicate a low level of development of anti-corruption culture in a law university are revealed: terminological reduction of the phenomenon of corruption and the associated stereotyping of students’ ideas about it; underestimation of cultural descriptors of corrupt behaviour; fetishization and absolutization of criminal law methods of opposition corruption. It is concluded that it is necessary to eliminate the imbalance between sectoral (actually law) and philosophical and cultural disciplines in the educational process of a law university, as well as to ensure the involvement of students in educational anti-corruption activities organized by a law university.


Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin

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